​Upcoming Events
It is with the utmost joy that Christiana Vasilas announces her upcoming exhibition,
“The Modern Evzones – Guardians of Tradition”,
at the Athens War Museum this March!​

Meet the Photographer
Christiana Vasilas is an award-winning, New York based fine art travel photographer. What started as a hobby from age 3, has turned into a passion that has taken her across Europe & America documenting the ever changing landscape, and creating her own woman-owned small business: Christiana V. Photography & Design.
Her company was thrice named as a premier small business of the Mediterranean by The Mediterranean Lifestyle in 2022, and was featured twice on the billboards of Times Square showcasing her beloved Greece.
Most recently, Christiana has been awarded the highest honor of becoming one of the official photographers to the Evzones of Greece by the Commander of the Proedriki Froura (Evzones - Presidential Guard) and the Director of the Military Office of the Hellenic Republic of Greece.